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About your heart-led facilitators holding this sacred space:

Tenille from Daughters of Pachmama practices shamanic medicine. It has taken me many years to gain the knowledge and wisdom as taught to me by the Land itself and my teachers to strengthen my ability to move between the realms, making a contact with the Great Spirit, Pachamama and the finer frequencies that live on Earths Floor, to be of service to the expansion and betterment of the world. The ability to retrieve information/ energy / power and anchor it in the Earths Plane for the healing and prosperity purposes.

As a ceremonialist,  it takes several decades and in my case lifetimes to come into my full mantle as healer and it is of course, still unfolding. For me the process as a medicine woman in this incarnation of remembering has been going on for a many years and will continue for many decades more.

We have made a contract to honour the Earth and lead the way of keeping this connection with our divine mother alight. With a deep sensory perception with nature and the unseen within nature. Working directly with these energies, a personal relationship with nature as it flows through the shaman allows, this tuning is sacred and many teachings are passed through the realms of nature to the curandera/ medicine woman/ man. It is important for us to know that we are all indigenous to this land. We are all children of Pachamama. Alike those in the Animal Kingdom and Plant Kingdom as well as the frequencies that live within the elements and that are the elements themselves. It is my purpose that we all find out place in the Web of LIfe, and work in harmony with ourselves, The Great Spirit and all of that which we spend this lifetime with.

Tenille offers a range of modalities. From shorter sessions to more in depth and expansive exchanges. Each healing session and appointment is approached with the sacred intention of the Eagle Medicine.

Our products carry the energy of self love and self care. We are so supportive of self care in the form of wellbeing, of heart, of mind and of soul. We wanted to create products that cleanse us, that clear us, that make us feel good so that we can uplift into a higher vibration, so that we can become the joy that we truly are and live the life we were always meant to live. We want people to return to themselves, to take care of themselves.  Some find it hard to emotionally do this but our products make it easy to promote this connection to our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

 Our products are pure and they are wild. They are as natural as you can make it, ethically created and lovingly made.